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Sentinel Law Group, P.C

How a spouse will have enough income to live during and after a divorce is a scary question for many women contemplating that step. Creating a good answer and plan requires careful analysis of income as well as developing a strategy to improve economic opportunity. With the help of an alimony lawyer, you can be sure that your alimony plan is valid, realistic and achievable.

OGDEN Alimony Lawyers

AlimonyHonest & Practical Family Law Service In Utah

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is one of the financial matters that can arise during or after divorce. The issue of alimony in every Utah divorce is handled by the courts on a case-by-case basis. This is because each case comes with unique financial considerations that can influence if and how alimony will be ordered.

Whether you are seeking or contesting alimony in your divorce, you will need the guidance of a knowledgeable lawyer who is familiar with how the courts operate in your area. You can turn to Sentinel Law Group, P.C., where our mission is to provide you with legal counsel and realistic expectations regarding all divorce and family law issues.

Arrange for a free initial consultation with a OGDEN alimony attorney by calling (801) 784 6250.

Alimony In Utah

The state of Utah allows for different types of alimony depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the stage of divorce.

The various types of alimony include:

Temporary, which is awarded while the divorce is pending to ensure that the dependent party has sufficient financial resources to carry on. This type of alimony ends when the divorce is finalized.

Transitional, which is also temporary, to allow the dependent spouse to obtain training, educational, or work skills to become self-supporting. This type of alimony begins once the divorce is finalized.

Permanent, which is a specific amount to last for as long as the court has ordered.

You and your spouse can agree to specific alimony terms and then submit them for approval by the court. If you cannot come to an agreement, the court will render a decision after considering various factors.

AlimonyWhen awarding alimony, the court will likely consider:

  • How long the marriage lasted
  • The standard of living enjoyed during the marriage
  • Each party’s financial resources
  • Whether child support will be ordered
  • Whether a spouse contributed to the other’s ability to be educated or trained for career opportunities
  • Whether a spouse contributed to the marriage by maintaining the household and raising children

Personalized Service & Practical Counsel From Sentinel Law Group, P.C.

At our firm, we take pride in the level of service we provide to all our clients. You will receive caring, honest, and responsive assistance combined with practical advice based on the unique circumstances of your case. Learn more about how our alimony attorneys in Ogden can help you achieve your goals.

Reach out to us at (801) 784 6250 or contact us online today.

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